New order Danske Eget Konto

On this page you can apply for Danske Eget Konto, an account for you who has turned 16 y.o. but has not yet turned 18 y.o. and is already a customer at Danske Bank. The agreement will be signed by you as account holder and only you have the right to transfer or withdraw money from your account. Your guardian/s have no access to the account, and can only get information about account balance by request.

You can also order additional services to your account such as e-Bank, Mastercard Debit card Start, SWISH etc. The agreements for all additional services needs to be signed by your legal guardian.

All personal information is protected by the banks security and confidentiality policy.

Call +46 752-48 45 42 if you have any questions. svensk flagga View this form in Swedish

I am registered as a Danske Bank customer and I want to apply for

I would also like to order the following services and products linked to Danske Eget Konto (The agreement will be sent to the legal guardian for signing. A copy of all legal guardians' identification needs to be attached to the application.)

* You need to have Hembanken Start and BankID to be able to order Swish. If you already have these services, they will not be re-ordered.

Please note only one account can be associated to Swish.

Accept terms and conditions

Privacy Notice

We register and use data about you to offer you the best advice and solutions, and to comply with the legal requirements that apply to us as a financial institution. You can read more about what data we register, how we use it and your rights in our privacy notice at, which can also be provided in hard-copy for you.

Terms and conditions

Information of distance agreement

I am aware of that the Bank may communicate with me through e-mail and SMS when the Bank deems appropriate and that the Bank sends e-mail and text messages unencrypted.

I am also aware that the bank may use my personal data for direct marketing. You have the right to object to our use of your personal for direct marketing, including profiling for this purpose, read more by clicking the link above.

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