Update the information about your foundation

At Danske Bank we work continually to ensure that we have detailed knowledge of you as a customer and comply with the requirements of the Swedish Money Laundering Act. If you have been asked to update the information we have about your foundation, please do it as soon as possible. This will take 10–15 minutes.

Please note that the first person who logs in must represent the foundation (Board members and signatories). When they log in, they should make sure they provide all the information. 


How to proceed

  • This is what you need to do if you represent a foundation and have a BankID:

    1. Click Start and log in using your BankID.
    2. Answer the questions on your personal form.
    3. One of the foundation’s representatives also needs to:
    • Answer the questions about the foundation’s use of Danske Bank’s products and services.
    • Attach the most recent version of the foundation’s statutes and certificate of registration. If the foundation has not been registered and does not have a certificate of registration, please attach the minutes from the most recent meeting of the foundation. You can upload copies of documents via danskebank.se/OBJsecureupload, District or Hembanken Företag.

    We will contact you again if we need any additional information or documentation.

  • This is what you need to do if you do not have a BankID:

    1. Contact us on +46(0)752-48 47 46, Mon–Fri 09:00-16:00 and answer our questions.
    2. Identify yourself by sending a copy of a valid photo ID document (driving licence, passport or ID card) via danskebank.se/OBJsecureupload, District or Hembanken Företag.

    We will contact you again if we need any additional information or documentation.


Do you have questions?

Call us on
+46(0)752-48 47 46
Open Mon–Fri: 09.00 - 16.00


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